Brabant and water … Not everyone’s most logical association. But if you look closely, you will find that Brabant has much nicer water than you would first expect!
Our home port in Willemstad may be on the edge of the Delta, but it is actually one of the corners of the province of North Brabant. So the southern part of the Hollandsch Diep is Brabant, but especially the incredibly beautiful river area south of Willemstad (and beyond) is more than worth exploring! Many small rivers leading to villages and towns like Breda, Oosterhout, Steenbergen or Tilburg can all fit into one beautiful route. Partly via old winding rivers, partly via old and new canals connecting these authentic places. And with various ‘re-openings’ of inland ports of smaller and larger villages and towns that have been filled in the past, the range of beautiful stopping places will only increase in the coming period.
A boating holiday in Brabant is therefore the ideal combination of nature, tranquillity and Brabant cosiness and hospitality!
Wenn Sie bei unserer Bootsvermietung in Willemstand, in der Nähe von Zeeland, direkt eine Motoryacht reservieren möchten, können Sie hier buchen. Wünschen Sie lieber erst noch mehr Informationen über die Yachten, die Fahrgebiete oder unseren Service? Nehmen Sie dann bitte gern Kontakt mit uns auf.
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